Sooo…You are considering getting a concealed carry permit

If you are like many law abiding citizens, you may be considering the purchase of a hand gun and possibly securing a concealed weapons permit.If so, you should visit the following website.US Concealed Carry. The articles and videos are very informative.ConcealedCarry_Guide_23-Proven_Strategies is a sample of what you will find.

Here are some previous posts from SWFL Insurance Agency, Inc.

Concerned about Carrying a Concealed Weapon and the Liability issue?

So…..Where can I have a gun in Florida?

So…You used your Glock to stop a Criminal Invasion at your home….How does your Homeowners Policy respond?

2016 Florida Statutes. Weapons and Firearms

Florida Dept. of Agriculture. Licensing Division

Being informed is the first step to take before arming yourself.

SWFL Insurance Agency, Inc.

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