Quit Paying High Rates for FEMA Flood ….Call 239-489-1212 Today !!!!!
Hey Homeowners and Realtors! Are your Flood Insurance Premiums out of sight? Can’t sell that home because of lack of Flood Insurance or unmanageable premiums, we have the answer. Private Flood Insurance is available through LLoyds of London. Premiums are reasonable. Call us now for a premium quote. Elevation certificates are not required. Same coverage as FEMA; accepted by every major mortgage lender; no elevation certificates required; uses same claims adjusters as FEMA. Older homes, second homes, non-primary residences, commercial properties and small apartment buildings enjoy significant savings compared to FEMA policies. The program is attempting to reach out to an even broader audience by lowering the minimum policy coverage from $100,000 building coverage to only $50,000 building coverage. Coverage cannot be bound. Application must be submitted and accepted by company. Typically takes less than a day for approval. Pay premiums within 7 days. Mortgage lender can be billed for premium. Call 239-489-1212 or email info@swflagency.com for your quote today. We provide quotes over phone or by email. We need your Name, address, phone, email, building value requested, contents value requested, zip code. Call Today.